Intel Client Showcase > Remote Learning Tips from Intel and CDW


Remote Learning Resources During COVID-19.

The Educator's Guide to Remote Learning

Get free tools, resources and strategies to keep your students engaged from a distance.

The Parents' Guide to Remote Learning

This guide offers practical tips and resources to use in your home to help students succeed.

How to Choose the Right Device for Remote Learning

Learn how to choose a device that's best for a student's educational needs.

Call 800.808.4239 to speak with a CDW•G remote learning expert today.

For more remote learning advice, contact a CDW•G education expert today.

More Remote Learning Tips

Project Ideas for Teachers

From projects that prepare students critical thinking skills for the future to projects that address social and emotional needs, our guide has plenty of ideas to create projects that work for a remote classroom. Read the educator's guide.

Build a Learning Routine at Home

From kindergarten students to high school seniors, our guide has tips for developing effective physical and virtual learning spaces in your home for any grade.

Read the parents' guide.

The more opportunities students have to communicate and collaborate with their peers online, the more likely they are to stay engaged in the learning happening online.

George Couros, "4 Ideas for Student-Led Learning During Emergency Remote Learning"
Get our guide to choosing the best device for online collaboration.


A K-12 Partner that Gets IT

Even if your school is not yet one-to-one laptop capable, CDWG can help create a remote learning strategy that ensures equity of access for students and helps teachers keep lesson plans on track.

Request to speak with a K-12 technology expert today.

Call 800.808.4239

For more remote learning advice, contact a CDW•G K-12 technology expert today.

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