Research Hub > 4 Trends Driving Touch-Screen Adoption

December 18, 2023

3 min

4 Trends Driving Touch-Screen Adoption

Across industries, businesses are taking advantage of improving digital display technology and decreasing costs to meet the needs of customers and employees.

Not all that long ago, touch-screen technology felt futuristic.

Well, the future has arrived, and touch screens are now everywhere — in hospitals, restaurants, casinos and factories, just to name a few. For organizations that are behind the adoption curve, it’s worth looking at the trends driving touch-screen adoption, and why so many organizations across industries are embracing this quickly growing technology.

Durability: Tougher Touch Screens Are More Reliable

Modern touch screens are no longer just a piece of glass and a monitor with a touch controller in between. For example, Elo’s touch screens are fully integrated devices, making them much more rugged and robust. Whereas previous generations of these products were relatively fragile, modern touch screens are designed for 24/7 operations, constant use and (relatively) rougher handling.

This transformation in durability has been pivotal for industries that rely on touch screens around the clock. Leaders in industries such as manufacturing and healthcare can’t live in a state of constant worry that their kiosks and workstations will suddenly stop working. With more durable touch screens, they don’t have to.

Cost: Falling Prices Open Up New Use Cases

When touch screens were considered a more premium product, businesses had to be extremely selective about where and how to deploy them. But, as costs have come down, business and technology leaders have been able to get more creative, experimenting with use cases that they previously hadn’t considered.

For instance, museums now employ interactive displays that invite visitors to dive deeper into art, and schools are implementing touch screens for interactive learning experiences where students can manipulate 3D models in science classes or collaboratively solve math problems. In particular, the falling cost of projective capacitive technology — which provides a highly responsive, multitouch experience — has been transformative.

Integration: Compatibility with Other Systems Drives Value

The evolving ability of touch screens to deeply integrate with back-end systems across a number of industries has really changed how many business and IT leaders view the technology. In manufacturing, we’re seeing companies use Elo products to enable seamless visibility into and management of their Internet of Things environments. And in healthcare, our touch screens tie into critical tools such as electronic health record systems.

This enhanced integration extends to cloud connectivity, simplifying deployment and management of touch-screen devices across various locations. And with improvements in wireless technology, businesses can place touch screens in previously untenable locations.

Customer Expectations: Touch Screens Meet Demand for Digitization

Customers quickly lose patience with companies that are slow to embrace technology in a way that enhances and simplifies the customer experience. While touch screens were once considered a novelty, they’re now a common expectation for consumers who, after all, largely carry their own miniature touch screens with them in their pockets in the form of smartphones.

Depending on the sector, businesses may deploy touch screens for customer-facing use cases such as wayfinding, self-checkout, digital check-in for appointments or interactive product demonstrations. By implementing touch technology where it makes sense, businesses not only signal their commitment to innovation, but also can deliver their services in a way that meets their customers where they are.

Story by Rob Nordby

Rob Nordby

CDW Expert
CDW Expert