Seniors Speak Out on Patient Engagement and Technology

Seniors Speak out on Patient Engagement and Technology

The stereotype says seniors are tech-resistant. Our research finds, however, that when it comes to online health, communicating with providers and playing an active role in overall care, seniors are increasingly in favor of a tech-enabled experience.
If you think seniors are reluctant to jump on the technology bandwagon, you might be surprised by the results of CDW Healthcare’s latest research. 

Our 2017 “Patient Engagement Perspectives” study shows that, just like their younger counterparts, older individuals appreciate the many opportunities digital technologies offer to improve their healthcare experience.

From accessing patient portals to texting healthcare providers to embracing telemedicine, seniors see value in engaging digitally. They’re reaping the benefits of faster communication, a better understanding of their health issues and more satisfying relationships with their care team providers.

Check out our “Seniors Speak” infographic for an inside look into how seniors really feel about technology as part of their care experience.

CDW can help your senior care community transform the resident experience.

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