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What is Network Virtualization?

What is network virtualization, and how can it improve your business operations?

The technological landscape has made a great shift over the years to now focus on the power of virtual networks. With an interest in improving company productivity and boosting other metrics, you might wonder, what is network virtualization going to do to improve business operations? Network virtualization allows you to maximize your data center and network infrastructure to align all systems for productivity and success. A virtual network supports the present state of your business and also remains flexible to scale and accommodate greater demands in the future.

Network Virtualization: Defined   

Think of network virtualization as a software-based effort to simplify and consolidate systems into a more agile online environment. Available resources merge together with the ability to monitor and manage all channels through a single network. As a part of the virtual network, each of these channels operates independently from the others and has its own bandwidth available. The channels also map to a set device or server with the ability to switch those assigned connections in the future, should the need arise.

Virtualized networks are forward-looking, allowing you to create the system that you need now with the understanding that your virtual network is prepared to upgrade at any time in order to grow with your business. Implementing a virtualization platform allows your entire company to focus on innovation and growth rather than daily processes and operations.

Examples of Network Virtualization

Sometimes it's easier to envision the value of an idea or effort by looking at examples. Network virtualization takes many moving parts and streamlines them into one solid, software-powered online network. Here are a few examples to keep in mind when considering what network virtualization is going to do to help your company.

Servers Sharing the Load

Server virtualization allows critical servers to be converted to a cluster server or computer cluster where they can share the load. Virtual servers eliminate the fear of one very important hardware-based server going bad and risking the data's integrity.    

Collaboration in the Cloud

Virtual networks provide a clear path to collaboration in real time across the miles. Software designed for collaboration on the virtual network removes the need for hardware and document sharing via email.

Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)

System administrators can configure systems to separate or combine them as required.

Application Development and Testing

The virtual network creates a safe space to test apps and to emulate the intended hardware and software in scenarios with dependencies, end users, services and other testing specifications.    

When network virtualization implementation begins, your company will receive support in assessing needs from every end of business. IT professionals can design a data center and system that matches your company's needs. Deployment, migration and other services are also available, along with management, monitoring, upgrades and whatever else your business needs to work autonomously from the prior demands of your network.

Benefits of Network Virtualization    

What is network virtualization going to do to change the corporate ecosystem, and what are its greatest benefits? Running a future-focused IT environment opens the door to many benefits for your business. When hardware and software networking resources and functionality merge in the creation of a virtual network, processes and systems run a bit differently, and in many cases, better.

A lot of things change when switching from a more physical network to a virtual network. Here are some of the top network virtualization benefits your company may experience.

Implementing network virtualization on a corporate level can introduce immediate impacts that are noticeable companywide. Improved efficiency and productivity, reduced hardware and energy costs, better security, future scalability and greater recovery response offer more than enough reasons to consider moving your business to a virtual network. Discover more about network virtualization and how it can dramatically enhance your IT environment for all levels of business.

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